[Moin-user] RCS for historical page versions?

Antonios Christofides anthony at itia.ntua.gr
Tue Oct 11 07:18:58 EDT 2005

Douglas Alan wrote:
> Is there a way to make MoinMoin use RCS (or something like it) for
> historical page versions?

AFAIK there isn't.  I was quite shocked when I understood how it saves
the files, but one of the developers explained that they had their
reasons.  RCS has problems (and I happen to be a twiki administrator
and I've gone through some RCS-related headaches).  He said that CVS
works well because of some subtle differences between the way cvs and
wikis work.  So MoinMoin uses what it uses for simplicity and

I think, of course, that disk consumption must be shocking.  The good
news is that the compressed size must be about the same as if RCS was
used, meaning that it shouldn't make backup too difficult.

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