[Moin-user] simpler create pages with the correct acl

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Fri Oct 7 11:12:17 EDT 2005

On 7 Oct, 2005, at 20:51, solo turn wrote:

>  * "category groups" or "hierarchical groups"
>  we'd like to tell moinmoin that a group a belongs to group c and d. 
> and group b belongs to groups c and e. when setting an acl we just 
> want to specify group c with edit right. this should allow members of 
> a and b to edit. is this possible?

It works like this. Create AGroup page:

  * BGroup
  * CGroup

Now create BGroup and CGroup and list there the users in those groups. 
You can now use AGroup:read,write in acls. All the members of BGroup 
and CGroup will have AGroup rights.

>  * acl on categories
>  is it possible to specify an acl on a category? the effect should be 
> that category right is applied to the page too.

No, use groups.

>  * personal/group page templates, language dependent
>  currently every group wants to specify templates, mainly to have the 
> correct access rights set. this has the drawback, that we get a lot of 
> similar templates, and nobody knows any more which one to use. it gets 
> even worse if we add language specific templates.
>  how could we present only the "relevant" tempates, i.e.
>   * his personal/group templates
>   * global templates
>   * just the ones with his preferred language
>   * plus the ones from the language of the predecessing page with 
> empty wikiword which the user now want to fill out.
>  how could we do that?

You can have your customized EditTemplates macro, that filter the page 
list by language, group etc.

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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