[Moin-user] question about encoding inside macros - moin 1.3.4

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 12:25:50 EDT 2005

I have a macro which gets run from moin, which reads an HTML file, does some 
transformations onto it, and then outputs it. I think it worked fine with 
moin 1.2 but with 1.3, I get these little diamonds wherever there were 
  in the input file.

My transformation is just some simple regexps on attribute values. You can 
see the result page at http://cartan.cas.suffolk.edu/moin/OopDocbook

There seems to be something lost in the translation however, because   
characters in the input file (charset=ISO-8859-1) show up as \xa0 when I 
print them out from python, and after I return it from the macro, they 
appear as little diamonds with questionmarks inside them, from the resultant 
wiki page.

What is the right way to read and write out a file so that HTML entites are 
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