[Moin-user] Failed to update MoinMoin from 1.2.3 to 1.3.1 and being disappointed :-(

Ulf Lamping ulf.lamping at web.de
Thu Jan 27 16:34:03 EST 2005

Hi List!

I'm very sorry about the way the problems I described about upgraging 
from MoinMoin 1.2.x to 1.3.x has been handled about in the user list :-(

My current state is: I've backed up to my 1.2.3 MoinMoin version and 
will keep this as long as possible.

If there are serious issues upgrading to a newer MoinMoin version, I 
won't take the upgrade path again, until there are *real* improvements 
in the MoinMoin upgrade process.

Sorry to say, but if I don't see some real improvements (or at least 
even the intention to improve this, but even that I cannot see) in the 
next time, I will inform all the places I know to *not use the MoinMoin 
wiki engine at all* as the upgrade process is simply a pain.

And again, sorry to say, but you give a *very bad reputation* to open 
source projects in general :-( This sort of upgrade process might by ok 
let's say two or three years ago, but today it's simply a "no go".

Please keep in mind, that the MoinMoin wiki engine has some "real" 
user's (like me), that are not interested in the internals of the 
engine, but simply would like to update existing installations (like I 
update my Apache server everytime a new version comes around) to a new 
version. I do understand this will be problematic for  highly customized 
wiki's, but the usual wiki should go.

If there are upgrades from "user" release versions were you are 
encourage every users to upgrade, this has to be at least a simple 
step-by-step manual or even better a wizard which is doing all the 
things for you. If there is no simple way to do the upgrade, please ask 
yourself why there isn't (it might probably not the user's fault).

Please let me know if there are any plans in the near future to improve 
the upgrade process,

Regards, ULFL

P.S: This mail is not about the specific problems I had upgrading the 
engine, it's about the general upgrade process that has to be improved!!!

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