[Moin-user] Macro for buidling CSV out of Homepage-Data

Ralf Moll ralf-info at family-moll.de
Sat Feb 26 12:21:18 EST 2005


I want to get a CSV-list of all Wiki-Members. One the one hand I could 
just create a page with a spreadsheet, but on the other hand every user 
has already all the data on his own Wiki-Homepage. So if something 
changes, the user or someone else has to change both.

So what about collecing the data and building a CSV-spreadsheet?

All homepages have to have the same structure, for example:

= Address =
WikiName: BarJoe
Name: Joe Bar
Street: Ace-Road 10
ZIP: 34234
City: London
Fon: 234234234
e-Mail: lakjf at alkjfalö.df
PGP: aöflkjaödfjkaö
Jabber: ölkjakf at jabber.org

or like this

= Adress =
||WikiName:|| BarJoe||
||Name:|| Joe Bar||
||Street:|| Ace-Road 10||
||ZIP:|| 34234||
||City:|| London||
||Fon:|| 234234234||

Then just use the macro


Has anybody done something like this? Or a idea how to get the same results?


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