[Moin-user] Flat versus nested structure

Karl Dubost karl at la-grange.net
Thu Feb 24 06:25:18 EST 2005


I would like to move a website to a MoinMoin wiki, but sometimes my  
URIs can be really long :)

I have URIs like that :)

What MoinMoin will do is


which might be a problem for certain filesystem.

Two solutions.
* MoinMoin does a nested structure too (I don't think it's the case now)
	Do you know another wiki which does?
* I make 3700 redirect for all URIs already existing.

Another solution?

Karl Dubost - http://www.la-grange.net/
Près de vous, madame, oubliant les cieux, 
L'astronome étonné se trouble;                
C'est dans l'éclat caressant de vos yeux, 
Qu'il avait cru trouver l'étoile double. 

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