[Moin-user] Interwiki and color questions

greg whittier gregwh at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 13:15:02 EST 2005

> Additionally, I'm wanting to modify the color scheme of Modern.  In the
> screen.css I changed the background of the #header section to the color
> I wanted.  Now my header is the right color, all except for the
> background surrounding the Logout text.  This is still the original
> color.  I can't find where that is coming from.  Any ideas?

I ran into the same issue.  The "Logout" is actually within a form tag
(look at the source for the page).  I don't have access to my
installation write now, but I believe I did something like

#form input {
    background: white;

This had the side effect of making the search buttons have a white
background also.

> On the moinmoin site, just below the username, preferences, logout line
> you see the interwiki "MoinMoin" colon, PageName.  On my installation,
> the interwiki name and colon are missing.  I tried changing the
> interwiki name in the wikiconfig.py file from "none" to "MyWiki", but
> then I get the following configuration error:  "ConfigurationError:
> NameError: name 'MyWiki' is not defined".  If I put single quotes around
> "MyWiki" in the py file, I no longer get the error, but the interwiki
> name is still not displayed.  I also tried adding MyWiki to the
> intermap.txt file.  MyWiki then show up on the InterWiki page, but still
> not in the header.  What am I missing?

Do you have show_interwiki = 1 uncommented in wikiconfig.py?


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