[Moin-user] WikiName Links not rendering on Moin1.5rc1 on Linux

Rene Muniz muniz.rene at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 16:01:03 EST 2005

Please advice I am new to moin, the WikiNames
(WordsWithCapitalizedCombinationsOfWords) links on my linux
installation of moin, they don't render as links, just plain text (I
am not able to click on them)  I have installed Moin1.5rc1 on a SuSE
SLES 9(64bit) server with Python 2.3 and Apache 2. I followed the
HelpOnInstall for linux documentation. As when I create links by
["NewPage"] the links render just fine it is only the so called
wikinames that seem not to work. Which means non of the pages that
come with moin have links, (ie Help pages, FindPage, etc) If I type
the url on the browser, for example to the WikiSandBox the page comes
so the pages are there, just the WikiNames links don't show as links.
Please advise,

- Rene

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