[Moin-user] display ࣔ

Nir Soffer nirs at freeshell.org
Fri Dec 2 00:06:01 EST 2005

On 2 Dec, 2005, at 2:43, skip at pobox.com wrote:

>>> The other characters render, but the ࣔ renders as a ? in
>>> Firefox.
>     Nir> It does not work for Safari either, using Arial from ms core 
> fonts
>     Nir> package.
> Thanks Nir.  Since you can't make it work, that pretty much rules out a
> MoinMoin configuration issue.  <wink>

I did not try to make it work, just pasted in my test wiki and reported 
the result. Anyway, moin job here is only to render the sequence as 
"&#n;", if the page html contain this string, and it does not display 
as you expect, the problem is with the browser or font used.

Generally you should not expect stuff like this to work :-)

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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