[Moin-user] Indexing capabilities

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Thu Aug 18 13:33:55 EDT 2005

On 18 Aug, 2005, at 4:34, Kenneth McDonald wrote:

> Is anyone interested in working on true (i.e. book-like) indexing 
> capabilities to MoinMoin? This is where you define index entries as 
> you edit a page; using macro-style notation, it might look something 
> like:
> -------------
> Below, we'll talk about the features of MoinMoin, and why it's so 
> vastly, stupendously, mind-bogglingly superior to other wiki engines. 
> But, if you must use a wiki written in a language other than Python, 
> you can look at Instiki (written in Ruby),  [[IndexMinor(Instiki)]] 
> [[IndexMinor(Ruby)]] or at ...
> = MoinMoin Features =
> [[IndexMajor(MoinMoin, features)]]
> What makes moin great is...
> -----------
> The advantage of index entries over searches is that they allow 
> writers to pinpoint exactly where a reader should look if they are 
> interested in a specific topic, and give readers a list of entries to 
> browse through. In some sense, they are precalculated searches with 
> structure. Of course, general searches are still valuable; an author 
> might overlook index entries, not be thinking on the same wavelength 
> as the reader, or might not be able to put an index everywhere that a 
> topic is touched on.
> Indexing capability would be of great use in our wiki, and I'll be 
> looking into how I might write something (not sure what, yet--this is 
> something to be done at page submission time, not at page presentation 
> time, so a macro won't work I think) to accomplish it in Moin. If 
> you'd be interested in helping with the implementation of such a 
> feature, please feel free to contact me--I'm brand new to Moin, and 
> haven't gone beyond hacking a new Theme yet.

It sounds interesting, the best way to continue will be to open a page 
on MoinMoin wiki, and discuss that there.

The first step would be to write the spec that explain how such thing 
should work, how you define index terms, and how you use them for 

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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