[Moin-user] Re: Upgrading from 1.2 -> 1.3 (M.-A. Lemburg)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Apr 22 14:15:22 EDT 2005

Nir Soffer wrote:
>> Now that you've released 1.3, I'd like to upgrade
>> to the new release, but I am rather surprised by the upgrade
>> path you provide in the README.migration esp. since the comments
>> in the various migration scripts don't really give me a warm
>> fuzzy feeling that the upgrade is working properly...
>> Isn't there a way to upgrade smoothly from 1.2 without
>> introducing bugs, wrong timestamps, wrong revno increments,
>> etc. in between which then have to get fixed in later steps
>> of the process ?
> The upgrade do work as you can see in many big wikis around. For a warm 
> fuzzy feeling, its not recommended to read those upgrade scripts though 
> :-).

Ok, I won't :-)

> Those scripts used in the development process to move from dev version 1 
> to 2, 2 to 3 etc. Some of the scripts had errors, which had to be fixed 
> in later scripts. Some of the errors could not be avoided because of 
> limitations of the data saved in 1.2.
> It was nice to have one script that read 1.2 format wiki, and write 1.3 
> format wiki, but unfortunately nobody wrote such script.

Hmm, in that case, I guess the following script (untested) would
at least reduce the 12 step process to one script call:


#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Migrate from MoinMoin 1.2 to 1.3.
import os
for i in range(1, 12):
     script = '12_to_13_mig%02i.py' % i

> The best way to get a warm fuzzy feeling would be to extract the 
> distribution, copy your old data directory into the migration directory, 
> run those scripts one by one, and set a new test wiki with the converted 
> data. When you feel safe enough, shutdown the production wiki and 
> convert it.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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