[Moin-user] ModPython Installation Instructions

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Fri May 21 20:01:07 EDT 2004

I finally got around to installing Moin under ModPython. Since there
are already several variations on how to do this, I thought I would add
my own comments.

I am running Windows/XP, Apache 2.0.48, and ModPython 3.1.3, and of
course, Moin 1.2.1.

I think the pesky change to moin_config.py could be eliminated if the:
   data_dir = './data/'
were changed to:
   import os
   data_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/data/'
in the next Moin release (1.2.2). I think the above would work with
CGI, Twisted, and ModPython across all OSs. It has not been tested on
all those, of course.

This is possibly a nit, but wouldn't the Apache <Location> tag be more
appropriate then the use of <Directory>, <Files>, or .htaccess? With
ModPython you are not really protecting or allowing access to files and
directories, but giving control to a program which can do pretty much
as it pleases, subject only to OS permissions.

Assuming the above change to moin_config.py and a current (fixed)
ModPython, changing from a working CGI wiki to a ModPython version
would  require (1) installing ModPython and (2) commenting out a
ScriptAlias and adding a LoadModule and <Location> tag to httpd.conf:
   #ScriptAlias /mywiki         "C:/somedir/mywiki/moin.cgi" 
   LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
   <Location /mywiki>
       SetHandler python-program
       PythonPath "['C:/somedir/mywiki/']+sys.path"
       PythonHandler MoinMoin.request::RequestModPy.run
       PythonDebug On

If there is general agreement on the above approach, I would be willing
to revise the HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32 docs over the next week or

Roger Haase

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