[Moin-user] Installing mod_python

K. Bauckmeier-PTW Dresden K.Bauckmeier at ptw-dresden.de
Thu Mar 25 02:49:32 EST 2004

I have big problems changing my working MoinMoin Installation from cgi to 
mod_pyhton. I always get Server Error 500 "Error in a CGI Script". Any help is very 

what I use:
Suse 9.0 and Apache 2.0.48-9

what I have already done:
updated to MoinMoin 1.2.1
updated to python 2.3.3
updated to mod_python 3.1.3 (without the bug)
made a copy of 'mywiki' called 'modwiki'
made 'modwiki' owned by Group "www" and User "wwwrun" of Apache
copied .htaccess into doc-root "/srv/www/htdocs"

modified .htaccess since the wrapper is not needed anymore
in http.conf I added some lines to .htaccess is read by apache

The contents of .htaccess, http.conf and the error_log of Apache can be found on my 
WikiHomePage at http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/KonradBauckmeier
to shorten the Mail here :-)

Greetings from Dresden, Germany
Konrad Bauckmeier

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