[Moin-user] Right management under MoinMoin 1.1

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Mar 24 14:20:12 EST 2004

>* No access to User Preferences?
>When I disable right for writing for "All:" in moin_config (acl_rights...) then I cannot 
>log in any more: I have no right for writing when I click UserPreference link in top 
>right corner.
You don't need "write" rights to log in. You need "All:read" rights on 
that page, though.

>* Excluding myself?
>If I include "#acl NotMe:read,write Me:read All:" I cannot access the page anymore, 
You should be able to read the page. Using real names might help.

>right? Is it possible to define a superuser who has rights on all pages even if they are 
>protected by #acl?
That's what acl_rights_before is made for.

>* Deleting users?
>How can I delete users? Is it only possible by deleting two user files
Yes. One rarely needs to delete a user, though.

>and editing "userdict.pickle"?
Never edit any pickle. Either let it alone or (if you have problems), 
delete the pickle and let moin rebuild it from scratch.

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