[Moin-user] 1.2 Upgrade

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Feb 25 10:30:05 EST 2004

> It's secretly released on Feb. 20th.  (Did somebody get the
> announce???)

I checked the checkbox for sending SF announcement mails to 70 (?) 
people when releasing it via sourceforge (and it told me after 
submitting that it did send the mails). Maybe they had some malfunction?

It was also announced on freshmeat and the moinmoin wiki.

It was also announced on #moin IRC channel topic.

Not quite secret, huh? ;)

> You can get it at http://moin.sf.net/

This URL and its content is outdated. This is a bunch of static html 
pages with access rights read-only for everybody except juergen hermann.

Use http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ or http://sf.net/projects/moin/

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