[Moin-user] Moin hangs on edit

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Dec 2 06:06:01 EST 2004

Wagner,Harry wrote:
> I am installing Moin on a RH linux/Apache box and am having a problem 
> with it hanging during edit.  When I hit the 'save changes' button after 
> an edit it takes several minutes to complete.  Everything else seems to 
> work ok and the change eventually takes, but is incredibly slow.  Anyone 
> else have a similar experience?

Except problems with 1.2.4 antispam an moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de outages 
(sorry, we are working on it), which are easily to check if you just 
visit that site manually, it can also be a broken DNS on your site which 
causes long delays on save.

moin does a reverse DNS lookup on the ip of the editor - if DNS is 
broken, the timeout can take quite some time...

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