{solved} Re: [Moin-user] Moin stopped working when moving OS

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Apr 28 01:07:02 EDT 2004

>>>>>IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
>What pickles? I don't have pickles in my moinmoin!
>This error message was supposed to tell me that there is a 
>permission problem where?
It can't open (create?) data/groups.pickle. This is where moin caches a 
pre-compiled group list it gets from the *.Group pages.

>>BTW, which version do you run? The current one (1.2.1)
>>shouldn't have those warnings...
You shouldnt use 1.1 - we did a ton of bug fixes and nice new features 
in 1.2.1.

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