[Moin-user] Moin stopped working when moving OS

Anguo linux-tw at masquilier.org
Mon Apr 26 09:43:24 EDT 2004


I use MoinMoin on my local machine for some research work. 

MoinMoin stopped working: when I try to access a page within 
the wiki (installed in localhost) I get a "open with" 
dialog box and a blank browser.

This problem came about when I moved the whole operating 
system from hda2 from an old hard drive (which died) to 
hda1 of the new hard drive. Using an old boot disk, I moved 
the whole thing without having started the system. I had to 
make some additional  changes (lilo of course, as well as 
the nvidia driver that didn't work...) but all in all the 
move went well. This wiki problem is one of the most 
bothersome problem I am having since. 

I use Mandrake linux, and the wiki previously run fine with 
Apache before. Apache still seems to be running properly.

I can only think of one change that occured during the move: 
/usr was located in the same partition as / in the late 
drive (RIP) but is now located on its own partition.


MoinMoin CGI Diagnosis

Package "MoinMoin" successfully imported.

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/share/moin/augustinwiki/moin.cgi", line 23, in 
line 25, in test
    request = createRequest(properties)
line 20, in createRequest
    return Request(properties)
line 54, in __init__
line 169, in scangroups
    pickle.dump(data, open(picklefile, 'w'))
 IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/groups.pickle'



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