[Moin-user] no css no images

Aaron aamehl at bezeqint.net
Tue Apr 13 02:09:01 EDT 2004

Ok I have tried multiple combinations of path entries to get this
working but nothing seems to work.

# basic options (you normally need to change these)
sitename = 'Project Nigun Wiki'
interwikiname = None
data_dir = '/home/aamehl/wiki/data/'
url_prefix = '/home/aamehl/'
logo_url = url_prefix + 'img/moinmoin.gif'

<a href="/~aamehl/moin.cgi/HelpContents" target="_blank"
title="HelpContents"><img src="/home/aamehl//img/moin-help.gif"
alt="HelpContents" width="12" height="11" border="0" hspace="2"

I also copied the images to the image/ directory in my public_html/
folder and pointed moin_config.py to there but no success.

Any ideas?
What permissions should the image/ directory have? and the images


On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 11:28, Fujio Nobori wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 11:09:38AM +0300, Aaron wrote:
> > Thanks
> > And where pray tell are the html sources located?
> I don't know what browser you are using, but your browser
> must have the ability to let you view the html source of the
> page.

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