[Moin-user] (no subject)

Fujio Nobori toh at fuji-climb.org
Mon Apr 5 20:55:01 EDT 2004


On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 02:39:49PM -0700, Yusuf Abdulghani wrote:
> If I try to link a file on my server using the following:
> [file://serveraddress/Directory/Starting/From/Root/filename.txt  
> filename.txt]
> and then click on the link in the browse mode, a dialog box pops up 
> saying that there is no such file on the server even though there is 
> indeed a file on the server "serveraddress" located at 
> "/Directory/Starting/From/Root/filename.txt"
> Any ideas why this could be happening. Any help is really appreciated.

I encountered the same problem and found that it was 'cache'
which was causing this.

The link should be right once you click 'Refresh cache', but
this problem appears again and again if you change your
network often.

So, I decided I wouldn't use cache by setting:

    caching_formats = []

in moin_config.py.

If you really need caching, I have no idea how you can solve

Fujio Nobori                                     il|li
    email: toh at fuji-climb.org                   q|@.@|p
                                              m. ( o ) .m

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