[Moin-user] cannot upload attachements

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Fri May 2 04:25:43 EDT 2003

On Fri, 2 May 2003 11:08:43 +0200, Horna, Thomas wrote:

>I have one more problem: It is my second moinmoin installation. First was on
>OpenBSD machine
>and I had no problems, and it was 3 month old cvs release of moinmoin. Now I
>fetched stable 1.1
>cvs release, and have this problem.I get fancy window with this message. I
>tried to change some permissions, but same problem.
>Any help would be nice...

You are VERY sure you have /user/local, not /usr/local?!

Ciao, Jürgen

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