[Moin-user] Quick links question

Scott Chapman scott_list at mischko.com
Tue Mar 18 14:43:16 EST 2003


I tried this in IE 5.5 (Windows 2000) and the following on Linux:
Konqueror 3.0.3-0.7.2 (KDE 3.0.3-0.7.2)
Netscape 4.79

All work identically, giving the wrong link.  
I checked my user file and it looks like this:
(copied and pasted in)

I have the same problem on two different MoinMoin implementations.

The FrontPage link works great on the quick link bar.

Thanks for looking in to this!

On Tuesday 18 March 2003 2:04 pm, Roger Haase wrote:
--- Scott Chapman <scott_list at mischko.com> wrote:
> My QuickLinks entry is:
> FrontPage
> [http://www.google.com Google]
> The link I get back on the quicklink bar is:
> I'm running version 1.0.
> When I put [http://www.google.com Google] in a regular wiki page, it
> works 
> great.
> Scott

That is very strange. Is there a working FrontPage link on your quick
link bar?

What browser and OS are you using - could it be passing an unusual line
ending character for data passed in textarea fields? With MS IE 6 on
Windows/me, I seem to get line endings of x'0d0d0a', but I have not
noticed any problems caused by it.

Can you open your user file in ~Moin/mywiki/data/user with a text
editor and take a look at the quicklinks parameter?  Mine looks like


If yours is different, try a copy, paste, and save to see if that
results in a working link.

Roger Haase

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