[Moin-user] MoinMoin version

Phil Suh phil at filsa.net
Thu Mar 13 09:56:11 EST 2003

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Yaron Sheffer wrote:

> Hi,
> I am in the process of setting up a Moin Moin wiki for our company intranet.
> on http://sourceforge.net/projects/moin/ only v1.0 is listed for Moin Moin,
> however I found (I don’t remember where now) a version 1.1. Does it mean I
> shouldn’t move to 1.1, or is it simply missing from the SourceForge page?

Sourceforge only has version 1.0. I believe this is deliberate, as the 
dev team has been very careful to release only really solid code.

You can get the latest version from CVS (also on sourceforge). I regularly 
get the latest CVS version for more advanced (though undocumented 
features). It's not guaranteed to be stable, but I've not had problems 
with it.

And yeah, I use the latest CVS at work.


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