[Moin-user] No Module

Simon s-i-m-o-n at paradise.net.nz
Sun Jun 22 17:59:02 EDT 2003

Thankyou - this advice solved my problem at once.

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 10:17:25 -0700 (PDT), Roger Haase wrote:

=--- Simon <s-i-m-o-n at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
=> I've just upgraded my apache from 2.0.36 (Win32) to 2.0.46 (Win32) -
=> My moinmoin stopped working.
=> Premature end of script headers: moin.cgi
=> Traceback (most recent call last): 
=>    File "C:/Moin/simonwiki/moin.cgi", line 31, in ? 
=>      from MoinMoin import cgimain

=I think the problem you are experiencing is the one many Windows users
=had when they tried to use the bat file execution process. For some
=reason, Apache is not passing on the environmental value set in the bat
=file, and the result is the MoinMoin directories can not be found by
=moin.cgi.  I think I read about this long ago when I wasn't paying
=attention, and I have not been able to refind the reference or a
=similar one.

=Using your old installation with the bat file, a simple solution which
="should" work is to modify the moin.cgi file by uncommenting the lines:
=   #import sys
=   #sys.path.append('/usr/local/home/USERNAME/lib/python')
=Modify the sys.path.append statement to point at 

=Roger Haase

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