[Moin-user] ACL security warning

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Sun Jun 22 11:12:03 EDT 2003

You can ignore this message, if:
 * you are still using MoinMoin 1.0 or older
 * you don't use ACLs to protect sensitive information in your wiki

If somebody is already using that ACL (Access Control List) feature of 
the latest CVS versions, he should be aware that until CVS version of 
NOW there was some security problem:

If you edit a page that is read-protected by "#acl 
SomeBody,SomeGroup:read,..." and contains sensitive information that 
only these people should be able to see, then that 
moin-editor-backup.txt backup function (attaching the last 
previewed/saved text to your homepage) made it available to all (except 
if your homepage has similar ACLs, but that is mostly not the case).

So if you already use that feature to protect sensitive information, you 
 * immediately upgrade to latest CVS
 * delete all moin-editor-backup.txt files you find under data/pages/... 
(that is maybe a good idea anyway, as these files won't be used any more)

With latest CVS, you still have an editor backup function, but that is 
done (hopefully) safe now. It uses a subpage HomePage/MoinEditorBackup 
(if subpages are allowed) or a page HomePageMoinEditorBackup (if no 
subpages are allowed) to save the editor text. If ACLs are enabled, it 
puts #acl YourName:read,write,delete on that page, so nobody else 
(except people allowed by config, like admins) can read it.

Sorry for any trouble ...


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