[Moin-user] CGI Buffering and Compression

Yandle, Hans Hans.Yandle at cingular.com
Fri Feb 14 06:48:03 EST 2003


I will try to help out on the docs thus allowing you to concentrate more on
new features. I would like to suggest a new feature. I came across
http://www.mnot.net/cgi_buffer/ a few months back and liked it. I have not
used it but planned on developing my skills by integrated it into Moin. I
was going to try to use it to provide gzipped encodings back to the browser
for speed improvements. Also, if the wrapper was successful then we might be
able to accelerate it even further using mod_python. It seems that Mark
Nottingham is quite knowledge and maybe able to provide that missing link to
move Moin into the mod_python era.

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