[Moin-user] InterWiki/page_footer [was:navi_bar]

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Mon Feb 10 19:44:01 EST 2003

> Assuming you have version 1.0 from your Debian testing; you need to
> check out the 
> ..site-packages/MoinMoin/config.py 
> module. That is in a dictionary format, don't change it. Instead in
> your ...moin/mywiki/moin_config.py 
> module you need to set a variable like this:
> navi_bar = ['FrontPage',
>         'RecentChanges',
>         'TitleIndex',
>         'WordIndex',
>         'SiteNavigation',
>         'HelpContents',]
> to override the default.

this worked great.  Thanks for the tip!

> The answer to "InterWiki" is also in the config.py module, I think you
> want to set the "interwikiname" variable to a string in moin_config.py
> (never tried it myself).

I'd already tried that -- unless I leave interwikiname = None, I get
an error when each page is generated.  Do I have to get my InterWiki
name on an official list of such names (seems unlikely...)?  

Also, now I'm wondering about the footer.  I see I guess't edit the
'system footer' (too bad -- I'd like to change the format a bit). the
text I enter into page_footer1 and page_footer2 doesn't seem to get
wiki-ized when I type it in.  Is there a formating trick I should know
about? Right now I get literal transcription of whatever text I
include, enclosed within parentheses, i.e., 

page_footer1 = 'LectureNotes',


If I remove the single quotes (page_footer1 = LectureNotes,), I get an
error, unsurprisingly.  

What do other people do?  Write straight html?  

thanks again,

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