[Moin-user] User Login problems (was MoinMoin 1.1 is out)

Ian Epperson iepperson at axiomdesign.com
Mon Dec 8 11:03:05 EST 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 4:43 AM
To: Ian Epperson
Cc: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Moin-user] MoinMoin 1.1 is out

> I upgraded from 1.0 to 1.1 and Logins stopped working. 
> We're using Python 2.2.2 over IIS running on Windows 2003.  We're 
> accessing the site via https.  Everything was working OK with 1.0.

1.0 didnt support password login.
Perhaps I'm referring to something else.  We used to be able to go the
UserPreferences page, give it a user name and password, and it would set
a cookie and remember the user.  The user name would then appear in the
upper right corner of every page.

> Since our user database was small anyway, and it looked like 1.1 was 
> having issues with the old info (would reject my password no matter 
> what I did), I deleted and re-created the "user" folder.  I then 
> successfully created a user (IanEpperson) with the "Remember me
forever" checked.

That should set the cookie lifetime to quite some years. Maybe check if
that really happens.
The cookie is there.  It's got the right user ID in it.  I'm not sure
how to check it's expiration date though.

> Now, It doesn't remember me ever.  I go to the user preferences page, 
> enter my username/password, click login and it shows as if it's logged

> in - but if I click ANY links (FrontPage, Search) I'm no longer logged

> in.


> I can't even change the preferences on the page - it complains "user 
> name already exists" when I click "save" .

Do you have duplicate account? Use scripts/moin-usercheck.py.
I ran scripts/moin-usercheck.bat, and it only displays run options - no
info about current users.  I checked the users folder, and I see one
user - my user ID.  Looking in the .pickle file, I show a single user -

Thanks for the help.


"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible."  

   -Frank Zappa

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