[Moin-user] Win98-OK but Win2k No Success

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 26 09:53:38 EDT 2003

--- Spille Jens <jens.spille at thomson.net> wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> First I implemented MoinMoin on Win98 with success. :-) Great tool!
> Then I tried to repeat the same installation on Windows2000 using the
> same
> tools:
>  * Apache/2.0.47 (Win32)
>  * Python 2.2.3 plus win32all-152
>  * Moin-1.0.zip installed on "d:/moin"
> and Apache tells my by using "http:/localhost/mywiki" ==> "Internal
> Server
> Error". 
> The Apache Error Log shows: "[Mon Aug 25 16:58:37 2003] [error]
> [client
>] Premature end of script headers: moin.bat".
> The Apache itself is running, "http:/localhost" returns with the
> default
> Apache Page and the Environment is set to:
> "PYTHONPATH=D:\moin\Lib\site-packages". 

The symptoms you describe are the same as some other Windows users have
had. I think the core problem is Apache is not passing on the
environment variables being set in the moin.bat script. I do not know
why this sometimes happens or what causes it.

The instructions for installing under Windows have been rewritten for
the upcoming 1.1 release.  You could try the instructions here, but it
involves a complete reinstallation:


If you opt for a reinstallation, since you have a new installation and
no dependent users, you may want to try the "Stable CVS tarball" (at
your own risk) since it has several additional features.

If you want to salvage your present installation with minimal effort, I
think you can edit the moin.cgi script, uncomment the:

import sys

statements, and replace the path within the latter statement above with
the one you set in the moin.bat script.

Roger Haase

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