[moin-devel] Debian packages (Re: moin2 release with core functionality)

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Tue Sep 12 17:05:51 EDT 2023


> Thank you for already forwarding patches.  If you haven't already, and
> are interested in Debian metadata for patches, please take a look at
> "DEP-3: Patch Tagging Guidelines".

I'll try and review how I have formulated these patches. It was all very 
cumbersome to just get the actual substance of the patches to work, but then I 
discovered "gbp pq" which makes it somewhat easier.

So, I may clean up my patch branch and prepare a cleaner set of patches, 
reducing them from the 15 or so there are now to probably something closer to 
half that. There is definitely a distinction between Debian-specific patches, 
which may always need to be applied, and patches that can be moved upstream.

> Thank you very much for you work on this!  For feedback about your
> Debian packaging project, may I suggest one or more of the following
> lists:
> debian-devel (general/main development list)
> debian-python (Python Team list)
> debian-admin (Debian System Administration list) <- maintain Debian
> infrastructure debian-mentors (for packaging-related and Debian Policy
> questions).

Thank you for the pointers! I have discussed some Salsa-related issues on 
debian-python already, leading to the availability of packages published from 
Salsa for broader convenience.

I imagine that debian-admin might have some interest in Moin 2, although I 
noticed a Salsa-based discussion where people were enthusiastic about 
migrating the Debian Wiki to MediaWiki instead of switching to Moin 2. Still, 
I think a broader audience would benefit from access to this software.

(Obviously, the ejection of Python 2 from Debian has exacerbated the Debian 
Wiki situation, and I think that more care should have been taken with the 
deprecation of Python 2. There is also a good argument for keeping a package 
for Python 2 itself around in the longer term, making sure that it still 
compiles using contemporary compilers, given that individual users may have 
scripts that still use it.)

> I think that it would be valuable to have your Moin2 package as an
> official Debian package in the standard repositories, and I hope you'll
> consider reaching out to one of the mailing lists noted above.  There
> are also IRC channels, and there is not necessarily overlap between the
> people who follow the lists vs irc.

I will probably stick to mailing lists, beginning with debian-python and 
debian-admin, I think.

> Debconf23 is currently ongoing in Kochi, India, so it's one of the perfect
> moments for announcing, discussing, and collaborating on projects.  Worst
> case scenario, I hope that you will find someone to carry the torch of your
> work the last 10%, but I think it's more likely you will find collaboration
> :)

Thank you for following up and for the encouragement!



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