[moin-devel] Debian packages (Re: moin2 release with core functionality)

Ulrich B. UlrichB at posteo.de
Mon Sep 11 16:53:57 EDT 2023

Hi Paul,

Am 10.09.23 um 19:25 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> == Patches ==
> So, the patches currently applied in the packaging should probably be 
> applied
> upstream:
> https://salsa.debian.org/moin-team/moin/-/blob/debian/master/debian/patches/ 
> 016-fix-flask-babel-3-breakage
> There are other patches that may benefit from application upstream.
I will go thru your patches and create issues and pull requests.
> == Packages ==
> Currently, the packages are available from a package repository at the
> following location:

Setting up a new Debian and testing your package will take me some time.

> I hope this is useful to someone. I have had no feedback about this 
> packaging
> work, despite spending a fair amount of time on it.
thanks for all your work. I have great respect for your results, it 
definitely helps to keep the moinwiki project running.

Kind regards,

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