[moin-devel] Python 3 port of MoinMoin 2

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Tue Jul 23 08:49:49 EDT 2019


just wanted to note that I've changed my mind about priorities and
started porting to py3 at EuroPython 2019 sprints.

You can see the current state of the port in the py3 branch of the
moinwiki/moin repo on github:


It already "mostly works", but some stuff might still be broken (see
issue tracker, file new issues if you find something broken related to
the py3 port).

Neither this code nor moin2 in general is production ready, so only use
it for testing and developing it.

The intention is to merge that branch into master as soon as it works
well enough (and thus drop support for python 2.7 and require python 3.5+).

Thanks to everybody who helped / who is helping with the py3 port and
its testing.




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