sychronizing wiki instances? [was: "Re: [Moin-devel] mirroring a MoinMoin wiki"]

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at
Mon Jun 6 11:11:59 EDT 2005

--- Dan Crosta <dcrosta at> wrote:

> Is there any way to have multiple instances of a wiki, and
> synchronize
> them later? I know this sounds sort of stupid, so let me explain:

I think Unison will do everything you want, and even runs across
multiple OSes.  I use it to move a copy of my production wiki running
on Fedora Core 3 to my Windows XP PC.  If you are always going one way
(from laptop to desktop) then you can write a script to force changes.
If left alone, Unison will suggest moving the most recent change to the
opposite PC (and force you to choose if both have been updated since
the last sync).

The only tricky part for MoinMoin is you must use the "times=true"
statement to keep the RecentChanges page valid.

You can get it from:

A sample config file forcing one way changes follows.  This runs on the
Windows PC and forces all changes from the Fedora system to be copied
over and overwrites changes made to the test system.  I could have
avoided some of the ignore statements by pointing to the data directory
rather than the wiki root directory.

Roger Haase

root = C:\home\web\Moin\drawiki\
root = ssh://unison@penguin//home/web/Moin/drawiki/
force = C:\home\web\Moin\drawiki\
ignore = Name .cvsignore
ignore = Name *.py
ignore = Name *.pyc
ignore = Name *.cgi
ignore = Name dict.*
ignore = Name dicts.*
ignore = Path data/cache
ignore = Path data/plugins
times = true

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