[Moin-devel] Re: Moin-devel digest, Vol 1 #517 - 6 msgs

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Wed Jan 5 05:05:30 EST 2005

On 5 Jan, 2005, at 6:25, moin-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net wrote:

> I have a bookmarks page that is supposed to list all of its children 
> pages.
> [[Navigation(children,2)]]
> In order to perform Navigation(children,2), the operation is now
> significantly slower than before. And it makes my hard drive go all
> NUTS for like 20 seconds, when it is performed for the first time in a
> while.
> It could be that the macro can be improved in performance, but it
> could also be due to the new file/directory format of data/text, I am
> not exactly sure.

In 1.3, getting a page list is very expensive, about 5 times more 
expensive than in 1.2. Number of system page also grown to 556 from 
324. The result is that getting a page list is 5-10 times slower on 
1.3. Every operation that need a page list is effected. On my machine, 
getting page list takes about 0.06s in 1.2.4 (350 pages) and 0.6s in 
1.3.2 dev (650 pages).

Navigation macro get a page list once, but this does not explain 20s 
delay, unless your machine is very old or sick (or both), or you try to 
serve the wiki from the network instead of local disk.

We will optimize this in 1.3.3 and remove the slowdown in 1.4.

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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