[Moin-devel] xmlrpc2 putpage and authorization

Gerhard Reitmayr reitmayr at ims.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Nov 17 13:18:01 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1


Thomas Waldmann wrote:
|> I'm trying to interface to a MoinMoin wiki using the xmlrpc2 action. The
|> particular version is Release 1.2.1 [Revision 1.184].
| Better use 1.2.4. Or even 1.3beta5 :)

thanks for the help. I now use 1.3beta5 running the server with twisted
without a dedicated server. And I'm using the BasicAuthTransport from as
shown in the scripts I mentioned.

I found that I had to apply the following patch to MoinMoin/request.py
to get it to work with twisted:

- --- C:\projects\moin-1.3beta5\MoinMoin\request.py	Fri Nov 12 22:15:38 2004
+++ C:\Programme\Python23\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\request.py	Wed Nov
17 22:07:28 2004
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@
~         else:
~             self.query_string = ''
~         self.outputlist = []
- -        self.auth_username = None # TODO, see: self.twistd.user /
.password (http auth)
+        self.auth_username = self.twistd.getUser()
~         RequestBase.__init__(self, properties)
~         #print "request.RequestTwisted.__init__: received_headers=\n" +

basically, the auth_username was not set from the twisted request object
and therefore the user was still not trusted. anyway with this fix it
works now.

~  Gerhard Reitmayr

|> All the getYYYY calls work fine but putPage always returns
|> {'faultCode': 1, 'args': [], 'faultString': 'You are not allowed to edit
|> this page'}
|> using the python xmlrpclib.
| There is sample code under MoinMoin/scripts/...
| You also may need to slightly modify the MoinMoin/wikirpc.py code as
| putpage is disabled by default for security reasons.
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