[Moin-devel] Security Bug (minor) : subscriber emails exposed

David Greaves david at dgreaves.com
Thu Nov 4 08:16:30 EST 2004

Thomas Waldmann wrote:

>> I just noticed that if I subscribe to a page that others are 
>> subscribed to, their emails are clearly visible in the To: list (and, 
>> presumably, my email is in their To: list!)
> We noticed that, too, a while ago and fixed it before 1.2.4 release.
> So this shouldn't happen in moin 1.2.4.
>> Maybe all emails should be bcc'ed.
> They are - since 1.2.4 the "from" address is also used as (fake,
> not real) "to" address and all others are bcced.

OK, I'm still on 1.2.3 - glad it's OK in 1.2.4 :)



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