[Moin-devel] PageHits

Reimar Bauer R.Bauer at fz-juelich.de
Wed Mar 24 10:16:07 EST 2004

Dear all

I have some problems to understand why my changes to PageHits 
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de:8000/MacroMarket only in the standalone server 
wiki is running. I tried this twice times.

If I put my changes to a real wiki I got the error message: KeyError'pagename'

Python Python 2.3: /usr/bin/python
Linux icghost 2.4.21-151-smp #1 SMP Thu Nov 27 22:02:02 UTC 2003 i686
MoinMoin Release 1.2.1 [Revision 1.184]
Wed Mar 24 19:10:14 2004

What did I wrong?

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