[Moin-devel] standalone wiki

Michael Geary Mike at Geary.com
Mon Mar 22 10:46:03 EST 2004

> > I know nothing about pythonw but couldn't you do this (if
> > you're on *nix)
> >
> > pythonw moin.py > /dev/null 2>&1
> >
> > If you really want that output just dump it to a file instead
> > of /dev/null.

> D'oh, I just read win2k... well there is a way to redirect 
> stdout/err on windows... I think that > redirects stdout but 
> I can't remember stderr.

The redirection syntax (at least this much of it) is the same in Windows
2000 as *nix. The only difference is that the null device is 'nul' instead
of '/dev/null'. So:

pythonw moin.py >nul 2>&1

(untested, but looks right)

Here's a complete reference for the Windows 2000 command redirection:


(Don't be alarmed by the "/server/" in that URL--it's the same for Windows
2000 Professional or Server.)


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