[Moin-devel] Permissions

Renat Lumpau rl03 at gentoo.org
Mon Aug 30 10:48:17 EDT 2004

On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 12:44:14PM +0200, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> >I am cleaning up the Gentoo ebuild for moinmoin, and I have a quick 
> >question I hope you can help me with. What files does the httpd need 
> >write access to? Right now I'm doing the equivalent of chown -R 
> >apache:apache * , and I'd really like something cleaner. 
> Additionally to what Florian already said, try to do it without giving 
> world access to data/ - there are critical informations inside there 
> like ACL protected pages and user accounts, so they shouldnt be readable 
> to everybody on FS level.

Gentoo uses webapp-config [1][2] to install web applications. Files that the webserver needs write access to are processed by webapp_serverowned(), which installs them with user-specified permissions, and always writeable by the httpd (apache:apache in the most common case). Thus, our users can set permissions on data/ according to their needs.


[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~rl03/webapp-config.html
[2] http://dev.gentoo.org/~rl03/webapp.eclass.html
Renat Lumpau
Gentoo developer
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