[Moin-devel] who keeps track of patches and releases

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Wed Apr 28 11:39:04 EDT 2004

> I have seen several patches being submitted to the MOIN developer list 
> to fix bugs and to enhance features. I am wondering who is keeping 
> track of all these and if it will be released in the future MOIN update.

Currently that's me and some other guys from #moin irc channel. ;)

Every pure & clear & small bug fix will go into the tla branches 

If it is unclear if the fix is correct, it might take longer. 
Correctness means that the fix cures the source of the problem, not only 
the symptom of the problem.

Feature patches might get accepted or not.

If a feature patch does not get accepted it doesnt mean it is bad, maybe 
we only think that it is either too special to go into core code or we 
are unsure if we maybe want to solve that problem in another (often more 
general) way or we just don't understand enough of what it is doing or 
what it is useful for. ;)

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