[Moin-devel] PATCH: first paragraph after item shown correctly

Fujio Nobori toh at fuji-climb.org
Tue Apr 13 22:33:06 EDT 2004


I found that the raw text:
 1. bullet item
  This line should
  be in one line.
is viewed:
    1. bullet item
            This line should

            be in one line.
where it should be:
    1. bullet item
            This line should be in one line.

Attached is the patch against tla (patch-280) to fix this

I would appreciate any comment.

Thank you very much!

Fujio Nobori                                     il|li
    email: toh at fuji-climb.org                   q|@.@|p
                                              m. ( o ) .m
-------------- next part --------------
--- orig/MoinMoin/parser/wiki.py
+++ mod/MoinMoin/parser/wiki.py
@@ -510,6 +510,21 @@
         # Close open paragraphs and list items
         if self._indent_level() != new_level:
+        else:
+            # don't want the raw text:
+            #    1. bullet item
+            #     This line should
+            #     be in one line.
+            # to be viewd:
+            #    1. bullet item
+            #            This line should
+            #
+            #            be in one line.
+            # of course, it should be:
+            #    1. bullet item
+            #            This line should be in one line.
+            if not self.line_was_empty:
+                self.inhibit_p = 1
         # Close lists while char-wise indent is greater than the current one
         while self._indent_level() > new_level:

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