[Moin-devel] PageEditor.py patch

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 16:03:18 EDT 2003

While searching for the cause of a formatting problem in IE 6.0, I
found two errors in PageEditor.py and a third inconsistency (at least
for my use of MoinMoin).

When preparing a page for spell check or preview, line 312 outputs an
orphan </a> tag.

Line 334 outputs an anchor tag without a closing tag (the one on 312?).

I think PageEditor should output the config.page_footer1 and
config.page_footer2 values after line 340. This would be helpful for
people like me who override the config.title2 and config.page_footer1
values to modify the pages internal format.

A patch is attached.

Roger Haase

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