[Moin-devel] UI changes

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri Aug 1 12:05:16 EDT 2003

Hi Michael,

>I got rid of the icons completely. To me, they seem to be to be one of the
>most confusing things about a MoinMoin wiki. Some user actions are text
>links, some are icons. Some are at the top of the page, some are at the
As most design things, most of these things also have advantages. Just 
one example:
If the edit button or icon was just at top of the page, what would you 
have to do after reading a (longer) page, when you decide to edit it?
Yes, you would have to scroll back to top just to hit "edit". That's why 
the button is also at bottom.

>* Added the ability to specify display text for a freeform wiki link, like
>   ["The Page Name" The Display Text]
Looks reasonable. It maybe depends a bit on whether you are more pro or 
contra CamelCase ;)

>* Changed the page name escaping to make prettier URLs. Spaces turn into
Great. That was on my wishlist, too.

>and hyphens remain unchanged (because I use them a lot). Special
>characters use =XX instead of _XX. For example, my personal page titled
>"Michael Geary - Software Inventor" would have this partial URL in a
>standard MoinMoin wiki:
>Yuck! On my site, it's simply:
Nice. Why not %XX as standard describe?

>* Changed the Edit page quite a bit. It always shows the preview, and the
>preview is to the right of the editing area so you don't have to scroll up
>and down. (This works better for most but not all pages, so I'm going to add
>an option to use the old edit style with the preview below the edit area.)
Would have to try that to tell if I like it.

>None of this is "done", of course--I've got lots of other changes in mind.
Maybe try to complete some of them before you begin new ones ;) It is 
easier to include well-done and well-tested code, than half-ready code.

>* I plan to put all of the navigation links in a sidebar instead of at the
>top and bottom of the page.
That's for skins, that's planned anyway.

>* I want to turn off WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo links entirely--they really
>make things confusing when someone named McGeary tries to add a page. :-)
>But I'd have to edit all the help files to do this. Maybe I'll hack it so
>that anything beginning with Help still works as a WikiName but nothing else
That would be an ugly thing, because it would be inconsistent.



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