[Moin-devel] Modification to wiki.py

Nicholas Bastin nbastin at mac.com
Mon May 6 06:35:06 EDT 2002

On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 04:45 AM, Lele Gaifax wrote:
>     NB> Anyhow, kind of wondering where to send the patch?  I'm also
>     NB> working on a c syntax module.
> I guess that here is a good place, where surely JH will be able to
> fish your code and install in the mainstream sources.

Ok.  I'm attaching standard diff -c output here...if that isn't 
sufficient, let me know.  I'm coming off the 0.11 source tree, an dI 
noticed yesterday that there was a 0.12 download, so hopefully I'm not 
too out of date.

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