[Moin-devel] Viewing colorized python in a moin page

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Mon Mar 25 10:31:11 EST 2002

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 11:32:21 -0800, David LeBlanc wrote:

>Is it possible to get moin to retrieve a .py file and present it colorized?
>I know it will do this from one of those neat trace back pages it generates,
>but i'm not clear on how to do this in general. I think it would be neat to
>be able to browse python code via moin - like moin code itself :)

There are already 3-4 places where this is done. Since displaying ANY source 
code would open up a security hole, this is not part of the std distribution, 
but a macro to do it would be quite easy to write.

Write a macro that presents sys.path, then a listing of packages/modules in a 
selected dir, then the module if you click on one.

Ciao, Jürgen

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