[Moin-devel] alternate user identification methods

Jeff Kunce jeff at corrt.com
Tue Aug 27 15:41:06 EDT 2002

First, I want to thank Juergen for adding support for user/page
access permissions to the CVS version of MoinMoin. However, I don't
think the system ever actually checks to see if a user has permission
to read a page. The patch Page.py.diff (attached) is a simple way to
add that feature.

Now, I'd like to request again :), a hook in user.py to allow optional
ways of identifying a user (besides the standard cookie procedure). Any
way of doing this is fine with me, but I've attached a patch as a
suggestion. The patch user.diff.py (attached) does two things:
   1) allows plug-in user identification (similar to plugin SecurityPolicy)
   2) creates valid user file names from any kind of username

I've also attached a sample plugin user identifier (userid.py), which 
identifies the user from the REMOTE_USER environment variable.


-------------- next part --------------
Index: Page.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py,v
retrieving revision 1.131
diff -r1.131 Page.py
>         elif not user.current.may.read(self.page_name):  #(JJK)
>             print "<br><b>You are not allowed to read this page</b><br>"

-------------- next part --------------
Index: user.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/moin/MoinMoin/user.py,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -r1.62 user.py
>         # identify user by external means, if specified in moin_config (JJK)
>         if hasattr(config, 'UserIdentifier'):
>             config.UserIdentifier(self)
<         return os.path.join(config.user_dir, self.id or "...NONE...")
>         # mungs any username to an acceptable filename (JJK)
>         safe = string.letters + string.digits + '.'
>         res = list(self.id or "...NONE...")
>         for i in range(len(res)):
>             c = res[i]
>             if c not in safe:
>                 res[i] = '_%02x' % ord(c)
>         filename = string.joinfields(res, '')
>         return os.path.join(config.user_dir, filename)
-------------- next part --------------
    MoinMoin - User Identification
    determine the user's id
    $Id: userid.py,v 1.1 2002/08/27 15:30:15 jeff Exp $

import os, time, string

class BaseUserIdentifier:
    '''Base class for user Identification - must be subclassed
    jjk  03/05/02'''

    def __init__(self, user):
        if not user.id:

    def _identifyUser(self, user):
        '''set user.id - reimplement in subclass
        jjk  03/05/02'''
        raise NotImplementedError, 'must be implemented in subclass'

class Remote_UserIdentifier(BaseUserIdentifier):
    '''user identification with REMOTE_USER environment variable.
    (includes .htaccess identification)
    To use, add these lines to moin_config.py:
        # user identification
        from MoinMoin.userid import Remote_UserIdentifier
        UserIdentifier = Remote_UserIdentifier

    jjk  03/05/02'''

    envkey = 'REMOTE_USER'

    def _identifyUser(self, user):
        '''set user.id - reimplement in subclass
        jjk  04/12/02'''
        if os.environ.has_key(self.envkey) and os.environ[self.envkey]!='-':
            user.id = os.environ[self.envkey]
            if not user.exists():
                user.name = user.id
            user.valid = 1

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