[Moin-devel] Embedding LaTeX (or other text formatters) code into a wiki page

Andreas Fuchs asf at void.at
Wed Apr 10 21:58:05 EDT 2002

On 2002-04-10, Juergen Hermann <jh at web.de> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:09:04 +0200, Andreas Fuchs wrote:
>>I just tried out LaTeXWiki
>>(http://www.rootnode.com/Wiki/Ebusiness/LatexWiki) for a collaborative
> http://latexwiki.rootnode.com/wiki/FrontPage
> is dead, and I see no code anywhere. 

Strange, it works for me (surely did when I posted the URL).

>>It is written in python, and I guess it should not be too hard to
>>integrate it into MoinMoin. Do you think it is worth the effort? If
>>so, what do you recommend, Making it a parser, or making it a macro?
> So, w/o having looked at source code, your best bet is a processor.

*takes note* are there any existing processors available, so I could
take a look at some example code?

>>If anyone wonders, yes I probably will dig into the code and do it
>>myself if nobody wants to help me with that. Anything to get away from
>>ZWiki. (-:
> I thought myself about adding some math support
> (http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/, or MathML), so if you work on
> it, you can expect some help from me.

This is great news! The alternatives you mention look good, though I
think that MathML would be better (-:

TtH needs time-expensive setup on each non-windows client accessing the
Wiki. I don't think having to weed through X font configuration would
make a maths wiki very attractive (-:

MathML does work in Mozilla (don't know about opera or IE): try
http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/demo/basics.xhtml for an

Latexwiki generates images from the LaTeX code, which puts a severe load
on the server. I don't think that we would want that in MoinMoin, but
it's another alternative.

> Ciao, Jürgen

Andreas Fuchs, <asf at acm.org>, asf at jabber.at, antifuchs

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