[Moin-devel] Newbie: I seem to have busted my Wiki

tforeman at ibsys.com tforeman at ibsys.com
Fri Apr 5 09:22:56 EST 2002

I upgraded glibc to 2.2.4- last night as part of
upgrading another package and now my Wiki seems to be choking
on the = tags for formatting.

I have recompiled Python 2.2, and even installed Python 2.2c1
with no luck.

I re-ran the setup.py script for the Wiki and still no luck.

Anyone who would like to take a look and see if the tracebacks
make any sense to them can see a non-functional page at:


and a functional page (with no = tags) at:


Timothy W. Foreman ~ System Administrator ~ (651) 365-4181
Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. ~ tforeman at ibsys.com

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