[Moin-devel] Re: MoinMoin installer

Adam Feuer adamf at pobox.com
Sat Dec 15 18:49:01 EST 2001

Quoting Juergen Hermann:
> Are you subscribed to http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/moin-
> devel? Let's discuss things there.

  I am now subscribed to this list- 

> What is missing, and where you can sure help, is two things:
>  * describing different concrete installation procedures (like "UNIX with 
> ~/public_html and setup.py install --home=/home/me")

  Ok, this sounds interesting. I will get the CVS version and try it

>  * writing scripts that, after distutils install, create wiki instances, 
> or update them (there is already a start for this, "moin-create")

  Ok, I will also look at this too.

> I started to write an XML export, which will allow to easily change 
> storage structure (export, then import into a database storage, etc.).

  XML export is cool, but I wanted a quick-and-dirty way to back up
the SeaPIG wiki. That's why I wrote that script that makes a tar.gz
file of the wiki text files. I plan to write some scripts that operate
on my home machine that will untar the backup files and import them
into CVS, so I can regenerate any page for any date, if it is lost. I
also want a script that can pull a copy of the wiki out of CVS for a
particular date.
  This method is not perfect, but it is pretty easy to implement, and
provides a pretty good safety net in case of accident- which I didn't
have before! 
  Once I have the CVS scripts working, I will look into XML export...


ps. moin-devel folks, here is where you can see the backup.py script
that tar.gz's SeaPIG's wiki:


Adam Feuer <adamf at pobox.com>      http://www.pobox.com/~adamf/

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