[mmgsoc] Pipermail archive UI

Dushyant Bansal cs5070214 at cse.iitd.ac.in
Tue May 31 16:03:20 CEST 2011


So far, I have been able to run the basic functionalities of  archive-ui 
for mm3. Moving forward, I would like to discuss these issues. Please 
give your feedback.

*archive-ui* -> Yian's work on archive-ui as part of last year's GSOC on 
mailman 2.1
*pipermail* -> Pipermail on mailman 3

1. In pipermail, all the static htmls generated for each message(that 
goes into archives) are arranged in directories corresponding to 
different months.
     Whereas in archive-ui, all the conversations are stored in a single 
directory. The reason is that since a conversation can span across 
months, it is somewhat ambiguous where to keep that conversation.

If any of you think that arranging conversations by months offers 
advantage in any form, then I can do so. But in that case, the whole 
conversation will be kept in the month when its first message arrives.

2. Readable urls: URL corresponding to a conversation can be created 
from subject of the first message of a conversation (in the same way as 
various blog sites do).

Also, in archive-ui, when a message is archived, all the conversations 
are generated again. Ideally, we should do minimum amount of work on 
archiving a message. I am trying to work this out too.


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